Albio™ is blood alcohol test and gives an accurate value of blood-ethanol level in 25 seconds. It is designed to be used in field circumstances but is as usable also in ED’s and similar environments.
Unconscious patients and patients with severe trauma are unable to make a breath-test. If there is a suspicion that they have used alcohol, it has an influence for instance into medication. Before correct actions, patients’ blood test has to be analysed in a clinical lab. That can cause several hours of delay in starting the correct treatment.
Making Albio™ ethanol test is very simple. Blood sample can be taken from fingertip, needed volume is only 0.6µ litres and it is drawn directly into test strip. The result which comes in 25 seconds can be read as a figure from Albio™ meters screen.
Paramedics know how much easier it is to make this kind of test to a drunk patient compared to performing a blowing test.
The accuracy of Albio™ is 98.3 %, which is better than most blowing tests. Because Albio™ is blood sample based testing system, it has no similar disturbances as breath analysing has.